Looking to adoptIf you are looking to re-home your Boxer, please see more details on our Re-Homing Your Boxer Page.
If you are interested in adopting a Boxer dog from HCBW please note : We currently have a very long waiting list of people seeking a dog and are therefore not accepting any new general registrations at this time. If you are interested in a specific dog featured on this site or our facebook page, please contact the committee member listed in the advert. You can help in our rehoming ventures by "liking" our HCBW Dogs Needing Homes Page on Facebook and sharing the dogs details as widely as possible with your friends. BackgroundFor all dogs adopted from HCBW we will give as much information as possible with regard to health, habits, likes, dislikes, degree of training and diet. We will tell you all we know about the dog, but we do not know EVERYTHING and therefore cannot GUARANTEE ANYTHING. We keep an interest in the dog, and its welfare for life and invite you to join our community page on Facebook where our HCBW adopters and fosterers share stories of HCBW re-homed dogs. Should you adopt and your circumstances change adversely then the dog MUST be returned to HCBW.
PaperworkWe will provide the vaccination certificates for the dog and arrange for the change of ownership to be registered with the micro-chip company. We will not pass pedigree papers or kennel club registration details.
ConditionsAll Boxers are homed purely as companions, are not to be kept in a kennel or used as a guard dog, and under no circumstances are they to be bred from. HCBW has a full neutering policy and where possible the dog will be neutered prior to adoption. Where that is not possible we will ask you to arrange the neutering as soon as medically possible after the adoption. In these circumstances we will make a contribution towards the neutering costs, currently up to £120 for a dog and up to £150 for a bitch. This will be discussed with you at the time of adoption.
Adoption feesThe charity exists entirely on donations and various fundraising events. At the time of the adoption the new owners will be asked to make a realistic donation to help us carry on our work. Currently this is £200 for dogs aged over one years of age and £300 for younger dogs.
InsuranceWe strongly recommend all adopters seek insurance for their dog. Veterinary bills can arise unexpectedly in timing and amount.
Oldies SchemeWe recognise the difficulty in obtaining insurance for an older dog and have an 'Oldies Scheme' policy to address this. It applies to dogs of 8+ years. We ask the adopter to pay £20 per month and in return HCBW will meet the veterinary bills in excess of the first £50 for any separate ailment. The scheme and its application will be explained in more detail where and when it applies but it should be noted that in any event it does not cover chemotherapy treatment or the costs of private burial or cremation.